Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bonding - introduction


First - let me start this blog by saying THANK YOU to all of you who are still reading Bonding.  

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

A very dear friend hinted and asked if I'd write something for an upcoming competition for Hermione's Big Bang - and asked if I could make it a Minerva/Hermione pairing.  Initially, I refused.  I was busy writing on Tapestry of Life and crafting a back story for Dumbledore's character along with having just started Deceiving Appearances.  But, after a few weeks, an idea had spawned off future events for Tapestry of Life and I thought it would be interesting to take an Albus/Minerva pairing and morph it into a Minerva/Hermione pairing.  I met my friend at a local BBQ place and gave a few highlights/generalities regarding the story; it was met with a large degree of doubt that the story could be a. believable b. keep the persons in character c. and not be totally weird i.e. icky.  Another week passed, and the more I fleshed the idea out - the more interesting it became.  So, I went ahead and wrote the prologue; just to 'see' if I could get a feel and thought well; maybe I'll give it a go and enter it into the Big Bang challenge.  I put my other stories on hold and began writing.  After the first few chapters, I opted to write in a different format; where each chapter constitutes a day (95% of the time) and to literally show the nature of how a relationship changes from acquaintances, to friends, to more (ahhh, I know you were all hoping I'd accidentally slip and put the word lover there).  Then when I was on about chapter 5 or 6, I decided I would never write a story with this much detail again - so if I was going to write a relationship and show the natural progression...then to go ahead truly go ahead and write it.  Show the little details that is life...

Three years later...

a.  I didn't make the deadline to the Big Bang Challenge
b.  I have written a half dozen stories on HG/MM; even though I still haven't finished Tapestry of Life or Deceiving Appearances
c.  I'm still writing on the damn story...and hell they have't even kissed yet!

I'm going to upload a handful of items on the blog for readers to have access too that pertain to Bonding or perchance other stories, although for the last three years; Bonding has become my primary 'passion' so to speak.  I'm writing this in a blog format, because this is the extent of time I have to dedicate to figuring out how to put together a webpage (maybe at another date/time I'll manage more). 

As always ~ Enjoy!